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Tips with Teetha for New Mums Feeling Isolated in Lockdown 3.0

We all know that the transition into motherhood involves psychological and physical changes that can cause feelings of loneliness and isolation in normal circumstances, let alone during a global pandemic.

In a paper released in May (2020) The Children’s Commissioner states, that in normal circumstances approximately 10% of mothers face perinatal mental illness, and the reduction in regular services will make supporting new parents very challenging.

The emotions surrounding new motherhood can be a lot to deal with – but staying positive and keeping busy can help! Teetha chatted with new mum Stephanie Daines, 31 from London whose daughter was born at the end of July 2020, for some of her tips for those parents out there feeling isolated in Lockdown 3.0.

Get Outdoors

We know it takes a lot longer to get up and out the door with a baby, but trust us you will feel all the better for it.  Try and get in the habit of setting aside part of the day or week to get outside. Whilst you might be limited to where you can go, the fresh air and exercise will leave you feeling invigorated, whilst also giving you a sense of accomplishment for the day. 

Stay Connected

For many new parents, their little ones haven’t yet met a lot of the family. Make the most of the advancements in technology and use it to keep your family updated and informed. Perhaps send videos of bath time to the wider family group chat? Or schedule weekly facetimes with Grandma and Grandpa? Don’t forget your friendships either, whilst you might not be able to see your closest friends face to face just yet, regular phone calls can help bridge the gap before we can hug again.

Blessings in Disguise

Whilst the lockdown has undoubtedly had its negatives, try and think about the positives to have come out during this time for you and your baby. It may sound cliché, but children really do grow up fast, take this moment of enforced isolation to enjoy these precious moments. Chances are your partner will have been around a lot more to help out than in a pre-covid world, and you are free from the pressures of going out and socialising before you’re really ready.

Make Time for Me Time

People often overlook the importance of self-care, seeing it as indulgent, or a pass time for those with plenty of free time. However, one of the best things you can do for yourself and for baby is taking care of number one.

• If you love exercise allocate time out to do it – your life shouldn’t have to completely change just because of your baby, it’s all about adapting.

• Sitting down with a glass of something and watching that show you’ve been meaning to see.

• Locking the door and running yourself a big bubble bath.

Help is out there

If you’re consistently feeling a little overwhelmed, don’t be afraid to ask your partner or a relative (within your childcare bubble) to help out. That could be through sharing your tasks, or simply having the children for a few hours so you can enjoy some down-time. Be open with your partner about how you're feeling, for as the saying goes, a problem shared is a problem halved.

If however you feel your emotional wellbeing might need some professional help, there are a plethora of resources out there to help! Do not suffer in silence, help is out there.